Proactively Inspecting Your Roof Before and After a Storm

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A roof inspection is a vital task for homeowners and business owners. It helps identify potential roof issues before it's too late. In addition, it can help reduce the expense before the repairs become costly.

A thorough inspection of your roof can help you identify any damage that needs addressing, such as missing shingles, loose flashing, or damaged gutters. It can also help you determine if your roof is still in good condition or needs replacement.

How to Spot Common Signs of Damage on Your Roof

Keeping your roof in good condition is essential for the safety and longevity of your home. Knowing when it's time to replace or repair your roof can be challenging. But roof damage is often associated with Spring or summertime storms that come with:

  • Damaging hail
  • High winds
  • Tornados

Here are some common signs of damage to look for on a roof:

  • Weak or leaky roof material or a damaged roof membrane.
  • Rusted or corroded metal fasteners.
  • Peeling paint or fading colors.
  • Look for loose asphalt granules in the gutters.

By learning to spot these signs, you can take the necessary steps to ensure that your roof is in tip-top shape and protect your home from further damage.

4 Proactive Steps to Inspecting Your Roof Before a Storm

Storms can cause significant damage to your roof, so it is vital to inspect it in advance. By taking proactive steps to inspect your roof before a storm, you can help ensure that your home and family are safe from the elements.

Here are four proactive steps to inspect your roof before and after a storm:

  • Visually inspecting your entire roof, inside and out
  • Look for loose, lifted, or broken shingles or panels
  • Watch out for broken or split rafter beams
  • Check for loose or cracked tree limbs, branches, or tree trunks

Visually Inspecting Your Entire Roof, Inside and Out

The first and most crucial step is to take a quick visual look at the entire roof inside and outside before a storm. Signs of trouble can get temporarily addressed until the storm has passed to ensure your roof is protected.

Look for Loose, Lifted, or Broken Shingles or Panels

Loose and lifted shingles or even broken or missing panels are common to see after a storm with high wind warnings. It can further damage a roof's exterior and expose underlayment or bitumen membranes. If you find any issues with your roof, immediately contact a roofing professional so they can either repair it or help protect it before a storm arrives.

Watch Out for Broken or Split Rafter Beams

Any split or broken rafter beams could mean serious trouble after a storm with high winds. You need to be aware of such impending events that could further damage your home or business because these will need to get fixed as soon as possible.

Check for Loose or Cracked Tree Limbs, Branches, or Even Tree Trunks

Any tree limb or branches hanging over or standing near your home or office building could threaten your roof. The more mature the tree is, and the taller it is, the higher the risk for damage.

A tree is susceptible to cracking or breakage from lightning strikes to high winds. By taking precautionary measures, you ensure, you and your family's home are safe during an approaching storm by removing any vulnerable trees or limbs.

Follow-Up Inspections After A Storm Passes

The same rules apply after a storm has passed too. You want to follow up by inspecting your roof again to see if existing damage is now in need of urgent repair and if signs of new storm damage repairs are needed.

Either way, schedule a time for a roofing contractor to come out and assess the damage to provide you with an estimate. Your best option is to contact your local choice for roofing contractors in Pittsburg, KS, NE Seamless. Call their team of roofing experts today at (620) 404-2262.